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George Clooney votes in Iraqi Election

By Iraq Correspondent, Peerin Mycrotch

"I will not tolerate terrorism" - George Clooney

Academy Award winner, George Clooney, revealed today that he has officially voted in the Iraqi elections this year.

The Hollywood star humbly discussed his experience with E! News last night after being spotted walking the streets of Baghdad with purple stains on his fingers.

“It was so organic,” the Up In The Air lead man disclosed. “It just felt right. I always knew that democracy would catch on, just like I knew AIDS would in the 80’s.”

But the seemingly casual trip to the troubled Middle Eastern country was marred by an experience the 64-year-old legend says he will “never forget.”

“I was just registering my vote – for Ayad Allawi – when I overheard a conversation, a secret conversation between two dodgy looking terrorist types,” Clooney revealed in the interview. “I knew in my gut – though it may have been communicated directly to me from God himself – that something was up. The next thing I know I’m on top of them both, and we’re writhing around. They were completely unarmed, but I think I made my point. I will NOT tolerate terrorism.”

I would urge everyone to vote in every general election they can,” he closed.

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